Dental Cleanings
Cleaning appointments start with a dental check-up. Here we complete a visual examination of your head, neck, and mouth, take necessary digital x-rays, and measure gum pocketing.
Healthy gums and teeth are cleaned using special instruments to remove plaque from above the gumline. Afterwards, your teeth are polished to create a smooth tooth surfaces so plaque is less likely to accumulate.
The key to healthy teeth and gums is keeping plaque and food decay from building up in your mouth. Brushing your teeth twice daily, flossing, cleaning your tongue, and seeing your dentist regularly are all important in keeping your smile looking its best.
Deep Cleanings
When gums are healthy, your gum tissues tightly hug each of your teeth. When you have gum disease, your gums pull away from your teeth creating wounds (pockets) and if untreated will damage the bone and supporting tissues for your teeth. Treating gum disease early is very important because it can help prevent tooth loss.
Scaling and root planing is the treatment that focuses on getting infection and inflammation under control caused by periodontal disease. This procedure is NOT a regular cleaning. It is normally done with local anesthetics and ultrasonic instruments to adequately clean under your gum line reducing the bacterial population and thus shrinking the wound. Most patients with gum disease will require more frequent visits. It’s important to keep this disease under control to keep your teeth, but periodontal disease is directly linked to heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, respiratory disease, and an increased risk of cancer.